Among many other options, AutoResponder with Similarity Match can also reply to different variations, or similar messages, because chat users do not all write exactly the same.
For example, you can type a whole sentence in your rule and AutoResponder will reply to varied forms of it. Similarity Match can also be used to correct spelling mistakes in a received message and still reply. The sensitivity can be adjusted using the Similarity Threshold setting.
AutoResponder uses the so-called Levenshtein distance to calculate a match value.

How to use Similarity Match
The Similarity Match option is located in the Received Message section within a rule.
Select the option and just enter a word or phrase in the Received Message field so that AutoResponder will reply to variations of it.
You can separate messages with //:
How are you?//How are you doing?//How is it going?
Similarity Match works best with longer words or phrases to reduce the chance of a mismatched reply and allow more possibilities for variations.
NOTE: This option can only match messages with a similar length. If you want to reply to a message containing a specific word or pattern, please use Pattern Matching.
Adjust the sensitivity with Similarity Threshold
You can find the Similarity Threshold slider in the General settings of AutoResponder.

It is recommended to keep the threshold at about 50% to have a balanced ratio between no match and exact match.
If you set it to 0%, AutoResponder will reply to all messages that do not match the message in your rule at all.
If you set it to 100%, AutoResponder will only reply if the received message exactly matches the message from the rule.